August 18, 2008

We Are Clear for Takeoff

So in my life, it seems natural for things to not hit me until the last second. Today is a perfect example. I woke up (9:30 AM woooo!) and suddenly realized, "Holy s**t, I'm moving to New York tomorrow". I have a good excuse for not really getting caught up in the idea until now. The last two or three weeks have involved a last minute trip to New York to support my lovely girlfriend R while she went for interviews in and around the city (4 job offers on 4 interviews. . . she may be smarter than me), packing, and saying goodbye to R as she headed out to visit her family in FL before she too makes the move to New York and we have to start figuring out how to continue spending all our free time together when we are about an hour further apart.

I cannot begin to emphasize how big a pain packing up is. I'm sure if you've moved, you know the feeling too. First, you think you have too much stuff and you have absolutely no interest in packing anything more than a small suitcase with some clothing and a pocketknife (just in case I get hungry). Then I start to realize little things, like how my textbooks represent countless hours of work and thousands of dollars of investment in buying them (and a small fortune to pay for college). . . maybe I should keep them. Then as I go through my closet, I realize that not ALL of my clothes are crap, so I pack most of them too. Then I decide that I really could use some new clothing, and proceed to spend ungodly amounts of money (ungodly is a relative term, for me it's in the $300+ range) on nice new clothes picked out with the help of the amazing R once again. . . which I immediately stuff into boxes. I started out thinking I could pack all my stuff into 12 or 13 boxes. It ended up being more like 18.

That--in addition to saying goodbye to R--has made the last few weeks a blur. Olympics? You mean the TV I watch when my roommate is out of the den while I'm packing? Video games? They were the bane of my existence this summer (I think there were days when I played 10+ hours), and only further proved how much R loves me (love you too!), but once I started packing, the only thing I could justifiably do was look longingly at my roommate's XBox 360, then go back to my room for more packing. At least it broke of some bad habits. On the other hand, it feels less like I'm going to graduate school than becoming a mover.

So I'm off tomorrow, maybe I can post from the road and thus starts the new adventures of Mitch. I just hope all those boxes fit in my new place.


DF said...

$300? Someone's not shopping at TJ Max.

Mitch said...

No I didn't...but I should have

RS and MB said...

$300 well spent! Besides I hear the collegiate look makes or breaks you as a plant geneticist, so you just might have tipped the balance in your favor. ;)